Water States and Cycle
Discover the ‘hacks’ that AL1 & AL2 students used to score in exams via a series of digital lessons targeted at students preparing for their Science PSLE!

Instructor's message to students
Hi, I am Teacher Linus and I will be sharing with you ‘hacks’ that AL1 & AL2 students use to score in exams via a series of digital lessons.
I will be covering:
- Water States and Cycle
When your child attempt to start their Science paper, they will encounter 3 common scenarios in their Science Section B:
1. Being unable to understand and link the question to the correct science concept
2. Unable to use the correct keywords in answering the questions
3. Able to answer the question promptly with the appropriate keywords
Being able to identify questions to the appropriate science concept is never easy, especially when students are hardly exposed to real life applications of the science concepts taught to them.
That is what hence differentiates Scenario 1 and 2 from Scenario 3.
Being able to put down the correct keywords and knowing what exactly the questions demands is what differentiates an AL1 or AL2 student and an average student.
Forcing your child to read and memorise science concepts is never the key to scoring the AL1 & AL2.
The truth is, students may still be unable to score their AL1 or AL2 even if they know their Science textbooks inside out.
After teaching for more than 20 years, I have come to realise that often, students are unable to score because of their inability to understand and grasp the different scientific concepts.
What your child will be entitled to after signing up for the course:
• Curated video content
• Homework / worksheets
• A dedicated WhatsApp phone line number to ask questions
• Marked and returned homework with comments by the teachers
The truth is that scoring in the Science examinations can be made simple.
By equipping your child with the skill they need, it will not be long before your child score either AL1 or AL2 in their PSLE Science.
All your child needs is viable steps and methods for them to use so that they will be able to craft the proper answer during their examinations.
With the hacks that I will be imparting to them, they will steadily build up their confidence in answering Science section B questions!
Here’s what my former students and their parents have to say:
“My child scored a high AL1 for science! Thanks so much for engaging and motivating her to learn and like science 2 months before her PSLE!”
“Thank you so much for believing in me even though at times I did not even believe that I could do it! Thank you for these awesome results!”
“Thanks a lot for helping me improve in my Science, I am most grateful for it! Thank you so much for believing in me even though at times i did not even believe that I could do it”
“Thanks Teacher Linus! I had really learnt from your bootcamp!”